Dave's Picks | Can Being Cold Make You Sick? β€” Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager Back to Top

Can you get sick from being cold?

Or sitting in an overly air-conditioned room for too long without a jacket? Or do you need to actually catch a virus to get sick?

These are all the questions we'd like answers to for this upcoming winter. There's no doubt that when people are exposed to viruses, they get sick. A cold is a viral respiratory infection, so no virus, no cold.


There are a huge number of viruses that can cause the common cold. That's why the cold is so common in our lifetimes. People tend to usually link colds to weather but that doesn't mean there's a cause and effect connection. These viruses that cause us to catch a cold predominate during the winter months.
Cold weather keeps people inside more. We are more likely to be in close quarters this time of year, so there is a higher chance of staying close together amongst those who are already sick.

Home heating and humidity may also play a role in winter health. Running the heat to keep the house warm also dries it out - and can also dry out our sinuses too. When you don't have good nasal mucus flow, it’s harder for the immune system to work against the virus.

Research suggests that low indoor humidity may promote the transmission of flu. High humidity, and flu viruses expelled in a sneeze, tend to attach to water molecules and may drop out of the air before they can trigger a new infection. In dry rooms, flu viruses often continue to float around until they reach their next victim.

There are other laboratory studies that suggest being cold may actually weaken the immune system, making us more vulnerable to those viruses. A 2017 study found that immune cells that are chilled are less effective at fighting off viruses, at least in a lab dish. Making it much easier for the virus to infect.

That’s a lot to think about so might I suggest getting enough rest/sleep, vitamin C, and exercise to boost up your immune system this winter to avoid getting sick?