Dave's Picks | Having A 'Vacation Mindset' At Work Can Make you Happier and Healthier β€” Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager Back to Top

Sourced from Business Insider | November 12, 2022


A 'vacation mindset' at work can make you happier, healthier, and avoid burnout. Here are 3 easy ways to cultivate one.

Despite the obvious β€” which is taking the time to take a vacation, many of us struggle to fully disconnect from work. More than half of employees end the year with unused time off.

This ends up costing employers in more ways than one. Higher disengagement, turnover, and much more. There are also harmful health effects for individuals as well.

Progressive employers on the other hand are leading a cultural tidal change around taking vacations. Many are implementing policies where they encourage people to use their PTO which is essential for their well being. People who take at least one vacation are in better health than those who don't.

These workplace changes are important because the human brain isn't designed to work all the time. Mental maintenance consists of rest, recharging and reflection. These are essential in order for us to work at our best. This means you have to intentionally put in time and give yourself space to rest. Not only will you then feel rejuvenated but also get your creative juices going. You will feel more energized on a daily basis.

You should embrace a vacation mindset all year long.

Here's how to build a daily practice into your work (and life) for long lasting results.

Think of your favorite vacation or trip. What made it so special? You may feel like you had mental white space, which allowed you to think clearly. Maybe you had lots of fun or experienced deeply delightful activities.

Vacation mind is just being present in the current moment. Time is less important. Enjoying yourself is the priority. You let go of anxiety. You are not worried at all about getting anything done, or doing it right now or anything you have to do later. You are currently so immersed in enjoying whatever you have chosen to do right now.

This optimal state of well being should not only be reserved for our time out of the office. This is a mindset that you have to work on and cultivate, and it can have a positive effect on both personal and your workplace relationships.

Here are some simple practices to incorporate more mindful and calm elements into your life so you feel like you're on vacation a little more everyday.

Let your brain roam free

Have you noticed that your best ideas usually stem from the shower? Or that you've made a big breakthrough after a few days off? That's because you've let your mind wander. You've allowed creative insights and innovative solutions to be born.

Other ways to tap into these modes are by practicing mindfulness, meditation and self reflection.

Channel your playful side

As adults, sometimes we tend to just put in all work and no play. It makes life very dull. Vacations have a way of reigniting that childlike sense of fun in us. Play is extremely important for your well being. It reduces stress and helps foster a greater sense of collaboration.

Choose your own adventures

Ask yourself what you would rather spend your time doing? The idea of an "Ideal Day" is to help you get in touch with your values and strengths and to bring awareness to the type of work that gets you into the flow state. Flow is an enjoyable state that no money can buy.

Instead of dreaming about when your next vacation is, maybe set up your life where you don't need to escape. It's a reminder to be present and stop putting happiness on hold.

Maybe you're not able to work from a beach, but you can cultivate a similar relaxed state wherever you are, right at this very moment.