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By Jen Carlson | Feb. 6, 2021

Behold — wholly good times is what this post is all about

h/t to Gothamist!

This week I was reading yet another article about how it's starting to seem like 11 months is the exact amount of time it takes for a pandemic to absolutely destroy the human spirit. We are now but broken-brained beings dragging our bodies around whatever is left of life. Where are we going? Nowhere. And now we're going to have to navigate around frozen trash mounds and leap over slush lagoons to get there.

Perhaps you are inside and haven't even experienced this month's snow and its dirty remains? If that is the case, I suggest that you bring your bag o' bones out there, find yourself a slush lagoon (they will be replenished soon), and get to the other side of it. This is exactly the kind of low stakes challenge that this soul-crushing moment of our pandemic demands. You don't even have to leap, you can simply trudge right through it. Linger a little, even. At least you'll feel something. Even if it's just city juice soaking through your socks.

Don't worry everyone, only [?????] more [months???] of this to go.

Oh my lords of Mylanta … so much … trash?

Even when the slush lagoons dry up, New York City will still have its poor track record on accessibility (though in 2019, the de Blasio administration did agree "to survey and ensure that all of the city’s roughly 162,000 sidewalk curbs are accessible for New Yorkers with mobility and vision-impairment issues.") Fast Company has reported on other cities that have already moved to "better design their winter strategies for people of all abilities." New York was not one of those cities.