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Dave's Picks | Bibs Out, Bushwick: Michelin Approves Of These 7 Local Spots

Foodie alert

Speak to Dave always aims to share the latest or greatest hot spots in the hoods we rep. So hats off to Bushwick Daily for compiling this hot hot list of Michelin approved (“good little restaurants” or bib gourmands: lower-key restaurants selected by “guide inspectors for their very good value for money”) all of which are likely walking distance from wherever you hang your chapeaus. Oh hello 16 Manhattan and 32 Varet peeps .. who’s hungry now?

Dave Speaks | If there's a grill there's a way

With warmer weather approaching, many of us are making plans to grill and be merry. In our experience it is good to have a few ground rules when the merriment and grilling mix:


We all like to have a good time, and we want you to in our buildings.


If you are have a BBQ or roof get together clean up after yourself.

Respect your neighbors!!

If we get complaints from our cleaning crew, you will be charged depending on the mess.