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Plastic Pollution

Dave's Picks | NYT | Take One Last Look at the (Many) Plastic Bags of New York

Alright kids, today — MARCH 1 — marks the first day of the new ban on plastic bags in NYC and all of NYS. Let’s a have a look back in this fun, rather beautiful at times, Ode to a Plastic Bag photo essay and commentary. Ohhhh BAGS. We hardly knew ya.

Dave's Picks | Coca-Cola Officially Named the World’s Biggest Plastic Polluter

Originally published on High Snob Society by By Ian Servantes in Life 04 November 2019

Coca-Cola has emerged as the world’s biggest polluter of plastics, according to a new audit from Break Free From Plastics. 72,000 volunteers from across the world dug through streets, beaches, and waterways in search of plastic waste and found a staggering amount originating from the soda company. Of the 75,000 total pieces of waste collected, 11,732 belonged to Coke. That’s more than three times the next three biggest polluters combined.

Nestle, PepsiCo, and Mondelez International (the company behind Sour Patch, Toblerone, and other snacks) were the next biggest polluters. Coca-Cola led the pollution in most regions, coming in first in Africa and Europe and second in Asia and South America. Nestle and the Solo Company were the top two polluters in America.