Dave's Picks • I Worked As A Flight Attendant. Stop Wasting Money On These Things. — Speak To Dave | Brooklyn's Best Property Manager

A former flight attendant thought they would be given all the secrets for getting the cheapest tickets but had to learn them firsthand or through colleagues. Here are some of the best tips they learned for saving money while flying!

traveler standing in front of jfk flight times

If you fly business class, you can usually save by waiting to upgrade at the airport.

Yes, this might sound strange but when you purchase an economy ticket at home, upgrade it at the airport. Opting for an upgrade will drastically reduce the price of the ticket.

As soon as you purchase your economy seat, you may even start receiving email deals to upgrade your ticket, but don't rush. Wait! Until you arrive at the airport and ask for an upgrade at the counter or the gate.

Sometimes, if the plane is empty, or if you have a loyalty program with the airline, the gate agent can upgrade you to business class or at no additional cost. Even if you have to pay, it's going to be much cheaper than buying online.

Pro Tip! Be nice to the staff and arrive early so business seats are still available. Don't wait though until you get on the plane or flight attendants because flight attendants don't usually have that much power.

Never waste money on bottled water at the airport

Traveling is already expensive as it is, on top of taxis and baggage fees, so don't waste your money on overpriced airport water.

Just because you can't take liquids through security, no one says you can't take an empty bottle with you! Most airports are full of water foundations and have special pumps to refill bottles quickly. Keep your bottle full during the flight or ask for a refill. If you're lucky, they might even put ice in it.

The same rules apply to airport food as well. For some reason, people fear bringing food through the TSA security. But it's actually a great way to save money, as long as it's solid, like a sandwich. There are even restaurants and shops before security selling TSA approved foods. If you are flying internationally, it's best to finish any food from your first destination before landing because some countries don't allow fresh foods through customs.

Freeze your liquids to avoid checking a bag

If you have any important liquid that's over 3 ounces, but you don't want to pay to check a bag, it's worth trying to freeze it so it goes through the security scanner as a solid.

Even if it melts a bit on the ride to the airport, it shouldn't be a problem if it's stored properly.

airport duty free shops

There are better deals online than duty-free shops

Too often, the savings aren't as good as they seem. Some airlines have duty-free catalogs on board that you can shop in the skies, but those prices are even worse. You can find much better deals online if you take the time to look. So, refrain from any unnecessary spending!


Some days have cheaper tickets than others

There is no perfect recipe for booking the cheapest flight. But there are some workarounds to help you stick to your budget. The best days to buy tickets are Tuesdays and Wednesdays because prices tend to drop after and before the weekend.

If you have flexibility, it's best to check out different dates on the calendar instead of having to fly on a specific day, that way you have more options!

airline meal tray

Remember. Onboard purchases are overpriced

Many onboard rules have changed since the pandemic including some airlines suspending serving hot food altogether during flights.

Try to bring some food from home or the hotel before boarding. Otherwise, you will be stuck with purchasing onboard snacks which are too small and extremely overpriced.


Exchanging money at the airport is almost never worth it :|

Too often, people land at an airport and realize that they don't have the right currency. Whoops.

Yeah, the airport is actually the worst place to exchange your money if you want to get a good rate.

Most banks or shopping malls have currency exchanges with much steadier rates if you remember before your flight. If you forget, just get enough money for a cab into the city and then to a local bank.


It pays to stay loyal to one airline

It's always a better idea to stick to one airline or a group of airlines and open up a bonus card with them.

When collecting miles, you can also get free checked bags, upgrades, and access to lounges with free drinks and food — all these things add up!