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House Porn

Dave's Picks | Oh Boy: The Market for Real Estate Porn Is On Fire

Literal house porn is now a thing. Apparently the erotic tension between owning a home and watching people have sex in your dream house …has always been appealing?

Dave's Picks | NYT | There’s an Art to Making Your Bed

They say … you can start by disregarding thread count. Here’s what else the pros know that you may not.

Let’s talk about glorious sleep and the art of how we do it best. While there may be as many ways to make a bed as there are doing dishes, with myriad choices from sheets and quilts to coverlets and duvets, one secret of life is that sleep is king and rules the day and your bedding shouldn’t stress you out. In this piece experts offer suggestions for dressing our bed, not unlike dressing to express ourselves and move through life as our best self.