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Dave's Picks | NYT:  Is Brooklyn the next Manhattan?

Manhattan's vanishing office districts and spaces have benefited Brooklyn neighborhoods where residents worked from home, testing the balance between the city and the boroughs.

Dave's Picks | The 'East' Williamsburg Debate

If you’re a fellow Brooklynite or you've seen listings on StreetEasy, or a real estate agent refers to it as 'East' Williamsburg, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Is this 'new' neighborhood called 'East Williamsburg' or is it actually 'Bushwick'?

Dave's Picks | MOAR SUMMER PLANS before it ends ...

FREE Netflix Film screenings ..

What makes New York City great is that there is something for everyone no matter what borough you are in. Save your Netflix and Chill at home and come check out these 6 film screenings that will take place in various parks.

New York City heatwave, A/C, and trees ...

Oh My!

It's been a moderately hot New York City summer, to say the least. New York has been under a heat advisory in the last couple of weeks with the weather hitting record-breaking temperatures.

Dave's Picks | New York Movie Park Nights

Tired of HBO and chill?

Maxed out your Hulu account? Is Netflix still asking you if you are watching?

Take a break from your TV and explore what's on the big screen this summer! Brooklyn is the place to be for film lovers.

Dave's Picks | Bibs Out, Bushwick: Michelin Approves Of These 7 Local Spots

Foodie alert

Speak to Dave always aims to share the latest or greatest hot spots in the hoods we rep. So hats off to Bushwick Daily for compiling this hot hot list of Michelin approved (“good little restaurants” or bib gourmands: lower-key restaurants selected by “guide inspectors for their very good value for money”) all of which are likely walking distance from wherever you hang your chapeaus. Oh hello 16 Manhattan and 32 Varet peeps .. who’s hungry now?